How to intelligently deal with people who send forwards
Dealing with people who send forwards can be a challenge, especially if the forwards are not relevant or useful to you. Here are some tips on how to intelligently deal with people who send forwards:
Politely decline: When someone sends you a forward, it’s okay to decline and let them know that you are not interested. You can say something like, “Thank you for sending this, but I’m not really interested in forwards at the moment.”
Set boundaries: If someone keeps sending you forwards despite your polite decline, it’s important to set boundaries. Let them know that you appreciate their effort, but you prefer not to receive forwards. You can say something like, “I appreciate your effort, but I would prefer if you don’t send me any forwards.”
Filter your messages: If you receive a lot of forwards, you can filter your messages so that they go to a separate folder. This way, you can check them at your leisure without them cluttering your main inbox.
Be selective: If you don’t want to completely block forwards, be selective about the ones you read. Only open and read forwards that are relevant or interesting to you.
Educate: Some people may not realize that forwards can be overwhelming or unwanted. If you feel comfortable, you can educate them about your preferences and why you don’t want to receive forwards.
Overall, it’s important to communicate your preferences politely and clearly when dealing with people who send forwards. By setting boundaries and being selective, you can manage your messages effectively and avoid feeling overwhelmed or annoyed.